I have never used C# before!

It was fun though. I'm new so pretty much everything in my game was either stolen from Lindsay or was something I wanted to put in so I googled how to do it, and when it didn't work I resorted to GPT to tell me where I fricked up.


  • Moving ball
  • Fixed walls
  • Two trigger paddles 
  • No physics system just triggers
  • Score


  • Ball resets to center and chooses direction when off screen
  • Paddles don't leave the screen (sorta)
  • Scores are UI objects
  • Win screen
  • Restart button UI object
  • We got a boop sound

Failed objectives:

  • No AI opponent
  • The ball doesn't increase in speed or change the direction based on where the ball collides, instead I made the ends of the paddles make the ball go in a random y axis range. I made the dumb paddle ends before I knew that was on the exercise.


Code stolen from the general collective of the internet and frankensteined together by me

I got the font from some guy named CodeMan38 at https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Press+Start+2P thanks CodeMan!


SPONG.zip Play in browser
Jul 30, 2023

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