User Interface / Polish

So, I'm definitely way behind schedule. I just got the framework done for my fishing. As you can see it's pretty basic. You throw the line in and the dark spots in the water enter its' radius and follow it using the pursue, wandering, evade example of animation controllers we learned in the tutorials. It then triggers a new scene where the player must spam the spacebar to reel in the fish, right now this is really basic with no actual challenge. The plan is to add a little challenge by having the fish enter a 'struggling' state where if you press spacebar it adds to the tension meter which when full breaks your line.

As for the "User Interface / Polish"? There is none. I suppose the sliders are technically UI but right now there is no menu or points system implemented. I'm not too worried because that stuff is relatively simple compared to the mind wracking challenge that was the casting system.

There is also no win state as of yet. When added it will add up the points allocated to the fish you catch (which are randomly selected when you get a bite) within the time limit and add them to your high score. 

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Oct 01, 2023

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