It is the year 200X, evil corporate overlords have their eyes set on the perfect piece of real estate for their new capitalistic ventures; your village's sacred lake!

Take up your rod and battle for your life in this high-stakes fishing tournament organized by the corporation, a last jab at the poor folks who live here. 

Little do they know you're a master fisherman with sacred techniques passed down from master anglers of old.

Do you have the gumption to raise the 1500 bucks to save your lake? Get out there and fish, ya dummy!

Development log


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Charming custom graphics with matching music. Gameplay was initially slow because I chose to walk the wrong direction, and this happened to me twice lol. This was fixed when I tried the Z key for zoom though. The bobbing animation was cute, and I was interested in the scene change when a fish was on the line, I wasn't expecting that nice! The mechanics for the struggling fish weren't immediately intuitive to me, I didn't know if I needed to fill the red bar or avoid it, pull only when the line wasn't stretched etc, so it took me a while to catch my first fish. This was an interesting mechanic, but difficult to say where it fits on the fun/frustrating scale.

Overall a nice complete game with a good art style and generally well documented, well done!